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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

This website is in the process of migrating from Arisia 2024 to Arisia 2025.

Dealer FAQ

Applications for next year's Arisia are not yet being accepted. If you wish to be notified when applications open up, please email Click here to show mail address

Pricing and details are subject to change for Arisia 2025

Please read through this FAQ to find the URL for the Dealer application form.

General Dealer Questions

  1. When is Arisia?
    January 17-20, 2025 The convention starts Friday afternoon, and will finish Monday afternoon.
  2. Where is Arisia?
    Arisia 2025 will be returning to the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge January 17-20, 2025!
  3. If I have questions, who do I talk to?
    Your Dealers Liaison this year is Ed Trachtenberg. The best way to reach Dealers Liaisons is to send e-mail to Click here to show mail address
  4. Is there a Dealers Room or a Dealers Row this year?
    For Arisia 2025 and 2026 (and possibly beyond), Arisia will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge. It's a smaller hotel than the Westin so we'll just have a Dealers Row (In addition to the elevators, the third floor is accessible by stairs from the lobby and second floor).
    Some of you might remember if when Arisia was there from 2007 to 2010. A nice feature of the Hyatt is its atrium, where a portion of the Dealers Row will be visible from the balconies that face the elevators.
  5. Is there a Dealers Room this year?
    NO. There is no Dealers Room. While Arisia is at the Hyatt, all dealers will be in the Dealers Row on the 3rd floor of the hotel. If this is a deal-breaker for you, we are very sorry. However, due to the limited function space in this hotel, there is no good place to hold a large number of dealers.
  6. May I share my space with another vendor?
    Absolutely. Discuss it with them ahead of time. You will need to mention them on your application form and they will need to mention you on their application form. Both businesses' information will be published. At least one of you will need to let us know who will be responsible for paying for your shared space.
  7. What kinds of signs may I post?
    Around the door to your room, you may post whatever signs you think would be most eye-catching, with the following restrictions:
    • Handicapped access and fire safety requires that your signs do not extend more than 6" from the walls.
    • The only sticky supplies you may use are Post-It Notes, Post-It Note glue sticks, and (blue) painters tape. Please do not use regular tape, masking tape, poster gum or staple guns when putting up signs.
    • Child-safe (Both unlikely to poke out an eye, and also safe to be seen by immature minds).
    • Please post hours, so if you're closed, customers can find out when they should return.
  8. What hours may I be open?
    • You may be open any hours you wish.
    • There maybe certain "core hours" when we might recommend that all dealers be open mid-day.
    • If you're open late, please keep your room quiet.
    • While you are open, ask that that you do not close the rooms door while there are customers in your room
  9. Payment and Reservations
    1. Pay your dealer’s fee (see question #6). If you are selected to be a vendor at Arisia, payment instructions will be included with your acceptance letter. The price of the tables does not include memberships (not everyone needs as many memberships as they have tables, some vendors get a free membership because they're also on panels, some vendors volunteer during setup and get a free membership ...).
    2. Purchase your needed memberships at You will be able to purchase memberships as follows:
      • Until 9/30, you will be able to purchase memberships at the $55 per person "pre-convention" rate.
      • From 9/30 until 11/30 (for applications completed prior to 9/30), two memberships per room may be purchased at the $55.00 rate
      • If you are not certain as to WHO will help staff your dealer space, memberships may be purchased now as “Minion #n of Company X”. Real names MUST be provided to Registration no later than December 15.
    3. How much is dealing at Arisia going to cost me?
      • See question #6 for pricing of vending spaces. If you are sharing a room with another vendor, you will need to decide how that cost will be split and who will be responsible for making payment.
      • The cost of your lodgings, whether that is at the Arisia hotel, another hotel, or with a nearby friend.
      • A membership fee for each person who will be with you, paid to Arisia (, see above for pricing.
      • This applies to all workers, helpers, children, etc. regardless of whether or not they plan to attend any other Arisia events.
        • Both Kids-in-tow and Adults-in-tow require memberships. However, these memberships are provided at no cost. For a definition of both of these categories, please see the Registration FAQ Page (
      • This membership fee goes up the closer we get to the convention, so the sooner you know you are vending, the sooner you can purchase your memberships.
      • All memberships will need to be purchased through Arisia registration.
      • If you have local people coming to help with set-up or break-down who are not staying to work nor to attend the convention, they will not need a membership.
      • Where is the Dealers Application Form?
        Coming soon!